Currently new assistant appeared that is called Alfred app Remote. With the price of $5 it is iOS version of Alfred that allows users to control Mac using iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Note that Alfred Remote is not a standalone app. You need to have Alfred 2.6 or higher running on the Mac you want to control. First you need to use Alfred on your iOS device. Then pair your device with Alfred on your Mac. Your machine and iOS device need to be on the same Wi-Fi network. After apps have been tied together, Alfred Remote greets you with a screen that resembles the iOS springboard. Pages of icons are sorted by category, such as Apps, iTunes Controls, System Commands, and other. To navigate among the various categories you can swipe from page to page or click on the category icon on the bottom row. When you click on an action icon in Alfred Remote, it does that action on the connected Mac. Icons and pages could be added or removed in Alfred. But you need to make those changes within Alfred on the Mac and they’re immediately reflected in Alfred Remote. If you use the Powerpack, then those functions are also available in Alfred Remote. iphone view Alfred app Remote escapes the need for a direct connection between your Mac and iOS device. When you first used Alfred Remote, you will be surprised that you had to connect using Wi-Fi instead of Bluetooth. As you see there are situations where Wi-Fi is preferable to Bluetooth. Just imagine the situation you are at a restaurant and after sometime spent there you realize that you’ve left your Mac at home unlocked. In such moment you can use an iOS remote control app, such as LogMeIn or TeamViewer. They don’t require a direct Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection to your Mac, unlike Alfred Remote. Although, it will take long time to log in to your Mac from your iPhone, manipulating the desktop on a relatively small screen, and so on. Wouldn’t it be quickly simply click an icon in Alfred Remote?