In documents published today there were very important theme said Edward Snowden about iPhone security. These documents give new insight into the British GCHQ's efforts to track targets using their iPhones. Previously leaked information stated that specific NSA exploits used to compromise the famously malware-resistant iPhone software controls. But the fresh documents introduces that even when the iOS device itself hasn't been compromised, any data stored on the phone can be pulled when the device syncs with a tired computer. Other techniques also let GCHQ researchers to chase and utilizy targets by following a device's UDID across different services. By searching for the target's UDID hack, the GCHQ could chase the aimed iOS device as it synced with a compromised appliance, sent data to a broader tracking system as AdMob or use the web (exposing it to the agency's Safari exploit). In every case, the device's UDID would be exposed, helping researchers utilizing it to identify the personality. Previous leaks data have shown that the NSA using similar methods, compromising ad cookie networks as a way of tracking users across the web, effectively cooping any user-identification method as a surveillance tool. Analyzing the reports, dated to November of 2010 reports, before Cupertino giant began deprecating the UDID system, although the documents introduce how useful the system, while it was still operational, was for surveillance. The published documents Edward Snowden about iPhone security carries a serious worry. Happily, for users who own iPhone, Cupertino company has already recognized the UDID potential dangers and started to use more privacy-friendly methods.