One week passed when Apple introduced new firmware and launched first beta version. Few hrs after, famous hacker known as iH8sn0w tweeted that those who installed iOS 7.0b1 could fetch its SHSH blobs. Here I will show you how to save iOS 7 beta 1 SHSH blobs using iFaith on Windows. iHsn0w didn't update this program. You can do it using the latest 1.5.8 version but only for fetching and not dumping. It is not a big news but there may be some developers that will need these blobs, especially after iOS 7 beta 2 release. Also I have to admit that you can save beta 1 SHSH only on Windows and only for iPhone 4 because iFaith doesn't support A5+ devices. So if you are iPhone 4 user running iOS 7 beta we can start. But first you can see what iH8sn0w tweeted: twitter

Guide on How to Save SHSH blobs of iOS 7 beta 1

Step 1. Download iFaith 1.5.8 Step 2. Launch it as Administrator. Step 3. Now click "Show Available SHSH Cashes On Server". 1-1 save ios 7 beta 1 shsh blobs Step 4. After iFaith will detect your device you will need to select the operation: "Fetch the latest SHSH blobs Apple is actively signing" and wait until the process. ios 7 beta 1 ios 7 beta 1 shsh blobs Step 5. After successful fetching you will see that iFaith saved SHSH for iOS 7 beta 1 (11A4372q) and  on your computer and to Cydia. ios 7.0b1 So now after updating to iOS 7 beta 2 you will be able to downgrade your device to the first beta. Stay tuned and you will get more news about beta 2 launch date, how to install it and even more like jailbreak and unlock.