Even when you read that there is the new Absinthe 3.0 out there for your untethered jailbreak, don’t believe the news. Scammers are impatiently waiting on people who wish to perform iOS 6 untethered jailbreak with Absinthe 3.0. However, their links are fake and they are created to infect your PC, steal your money or increase their website’s ad revenue by forcing you to click on them. According to Pod2g, the so-released Absinthe 3.0 fake iOS 6 untethered jailbreak should not mislead iPhone 5 and iPad owners. When you come across an advertisement or note about any iOS 6 jailbreak, first check if it is real. How can you do this? We’ll tell you below. Absinthe 3.0 Fake iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak

How to Avoid Fake iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak Solutions

As you know there are a lot of real iOS developers like pod2g who is truly working on creating jailbreak utilities and help Apple customers get third-party programs work on their iDevices. Well, all these developers have their blogs where they are updating users about their progress and news. You can read the blogs and find out if there is a working solution for you. Just beware of scams as bad guys create close duplicates of these blogs, post hacker’s actual previous posts on them and fake links. So do not download anything unless you are 100% sure that you are on the official blog. For example, the fake Pod2g site with fake Absinthe 3.0 untethered jailbreak for iOS 6 iPhone links will make you sink into a reverie when you hover the mouse over the URL. You will see that the link is trying to lead you to a third-party site. If you don’t trust this site or don’t recognize the page, don’t launch it. Here is the example of real Pod2g's iOS blog page: Real Pod2g Blog

Step by Step Guide

You will not be fooled if each time you are going to download any jailbreak for iOS 6 device and use Cydia on such devices as iPhone 5, iPad, iPod touch you will take the following steps: 1) You will read Twitter to be aware of everything that trusted iOS developers are currently tweeting. Such famous hackers as @Musclenerd, @posixninja, @pod2g, @Chpwn and @planetbeing [the links you see are true Twitter accounts of these developers] always post about any public iOS jailbreak release. 2) Read the jailbreak news on websites you trust. For example, you can always read our news and know if there is a real iOS 6 untethered jailbreak utility developed and released. 3) Always check URLs to be sure that there is no hidden hypertext link. We hope that our recommendations will be useful to you.