Hey hey! We've got one more solution to unlock iPhone - that's iPhone IMEI unlock code and it allows you to unlock any iPhone on any baseband within few days. However, there are some restrictions of using this method. Imagine the situation that you have purchased an  iPhone abroad or it comes from another country. The phone is very good, versatile, but unexpensive. Usually it happens with locked phones on baseband 04.11.08 and bb 04.12.01. Operators sell them at such prices as into the phones with data plans it is not possible to insert the SIM card of another cellular carrier. You put the SIM card you want to use into this phone and fading out from the inscription saying this phone can't work with another SIM card. What a surprise! Your first question - what to do? iPhone IMEI Unlock Code iPhone IMEI Unlock code is unique and strictly tied to the phone's IMEI, so his bruteforcing is absolutely useless. There's an ability to perform an unlock on your own, acquiring unlock code on the website without sending your device anywhere. As always, we don't recommend you to use this method unless you are 100% sure that it works. Just check the site and make sure you want to use their services, only then decide to pay or not to pay.