Hello there all the jailbreakers who like to mod your devices! Today we'd like to present you Homescreen Contacts Cydia tweak that allows you to add contacts from your phonebook right to SpringBoard. That feature would be extremely useful for those people who have few favourite contacts in the phonebook and which are dialed more often than the others. Yes, Phone app has favourites tab for those purposes but you still have to make few additional taps to get to those numbers. I think every one agrees that it's a lot more convenient to have those on your homescreen. Homescreen Contacts Cydia Tweak After installing the tweak you'll see an 'Add To Home Screen' button in each contact's details. By tapping it the contact will be sent to the SpringBoard immediately. When you tap on that icon you'll see a folder-like menu which includes contact name, mobile number, 'Send Message' and 'FaceTime' buttons. You can just go ahead and quickly access your contacts. You have all of the contact pictures on your homescreen and it's like dedicated page to quick call, text people and see their information really fast. It would be really nice to see a feature like this in the next iOS. So if you want to have really neat contacts and things like that go and grab the app. It would be really nice to see someone's face where you can go and tap on it right on your SpringBoard and it will give you a really nice folder view. It's a nice way to save space and time and it looks really elegant and clean. There also is an option within the tweak settings that allows you to update the contact icon for those cases when you updated a picture within your address book. It should update the picture on your SpringBoard but that option doesn't work really well so let's hope this thing will be fixed in the updated version of this cool tweak. You can find Homescreen Contacts Cydia Tweak under the BigBoss repo for $1.99.