A lot of users face the problem with iMessage iPhone application after they device to switch to another company’s cell phone or smartphone. iMessage problem on iOS 7.1 and iOS 7 devices doesn’t forward your text messages to your new gadget. The program continues forwarding them to your old iPhone that is disabled at the moment, meaning you cannot get your texts at all! Here is how to fix iMessage problems if you experience or face them. Apple won’t help you here. The company upsets a lot of customers who cannot make the bug disappear. It also plans to find the solution to this issue. Users this instruction if you wish to start using the Windows Phone, BlackBerry or Android device BEFORE you actually switch as the procedures have to be done with your active iPhone.

How to Solve iMessage Bug on iPhone

Step 1. You need to firstly turn off iMessage application on your iOS smartphone. To do so, go to Settings – Messages and click the On/Off option to disable program on your gadget.

fix imessage bug ios 7

Step 2. Once you have turned off you need to check and make sure it is disabled. Just type a message and send it to someone using the regular Messages application. In case the bubble next to your message is still blue and not green, you need to disable iMessage once again. Step 3. The next thing to do is to unlink the telephone number associated with your iPhone from your smartphone and Mac machine. Launch Settings – Messages and go to Send & Receive. You will see the addresses iMessage is connected to in You can be reached by iMessage at field. imessage problem ios 7.1 Step 4. The previous step for Mac looks like this: Messages – Preferences – Accounts where you can find contacts “You can be reached…” step-4 Step 5. In lists you opened in Step 3 and 4 you should deselect the iPhone number you have. Use the option called “Start new conversations from” to choose a different address and make sure this works by texting someone from your iDevice and asking to text you back. Step 6. Do you receive the messages from iPhones on the new Android or other phone? Make sure you do before you deactivate iPhone. Hopefully, our fix iMessage bug iOS 7 guide has worked for you and helped you out. If the problem still exists, you should contact Apple. More people complain = there is a bigger chance there will be the fix to this problem soon.