Here I'm going to review iOS 6 theme on iOS 5 and show you how to install it on your device. Don't expect too much from it as there's a lot of things left over and weren't brought to iOS 6 theme. It's a free theme that can be downloaded from Cydia within modmyi repo. So in order to get it your device has to be jailbroken. ios-6-theme-on-ios-5 The theme includes a new map icon an the dialer which looks really nice. It will also bring the new navigation UI bar on the top of the screen and the new look of the music player app along with such UI bars as:
  • Maps
  • Clock
  • Preferences
  • Passbook
The new iOS 6 wallpapers will also be added to iDevices SpringBoard. That will require Retina display and Winterboard installed. The funniest thing about this theme is that it brings the Passbook icon. Yes, only the icon because the app won't even open. I think that's a bug that appeared during porting iOS 6 theme to iOS 5. The Maps icon will also have a new look but you won't find nothing new inside the app - just the same Google maps, on new exciting 3D maps for you here. However, you can get them even without having iOS 6. Within the new-looking music player we will find a cool iOS 6-looking design as well. The album art will be on its place but the playback controls and song progress bar are totally revisited. When you will go to the new album art you will see a new music album art picture here. The other thing about the theme is the Phone app's dialer look. It has new sleek grey look and looks much more refreshed then in iOS 5. I didn't mention any inconveniences using it despite lots of talks that grey keyboard is very uncomfortable to use and it has lack of contrast comparing to one in iOS 5. What do you think of the new iOS 6 theme for iOS 5? Have you already installed it? Or you want to wait till the official iOS 6 unlock will be released to experience all of its design lineaments?