Siri4Myi Cydia Tweak is a one more tool that will help users running iOS 5+ and with devices based on non-A5 processors to run Siri. Guys that run this service will provide Siri4Myi users with their own servers. They also promise support and constant server updates. Service also offers extra custom plugins besides usual iPhone 4S Siri functionality. Generally, the main task is to enable Siri on those devices that don't support it by default by using paid Siri Proxy server. Siri4Myi-Cydia-Tweak The server for almost three months already and seems to work fine. The official Siri4Myi twitter even says that the devs keep updating the service and have some satisfied customers. It works on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, 3G, iPad 1,2. I'm not sure about the new iPad support. So what do you need to do if you want to bring Siri on your older device running iOS 5.0 or above?

How to Install Siri4Myi Cydia Tweak:

Step One: Put Spire or Spite to your iPhone. For further instructions on how to install them on iDevice click the links. Step Two: Get Siri4Myi from
it's completely free. Step Three: Visit the Siri4Myi twitter and contact them for buying a slot (costs around $12). Beware instructions that offer you visiting their site as it's not working and the only real way to reach the developers is the twitter. Step Four: After paying for the slot you'll get an email with the IP address that you will need to enter as the proxy address. You'll also receive a required Siri certificate. Step Five: After you enter the IP address and install cert - you are free to use Siri on older devices. What can we say about Siri4Myi? That's not more than one more Siri alternative based on the custom Siri Server. Custom plugins available for it is a big plus. All the other features are pretty usual so if you need Siri - check if the service does what it promises. If it does - buy it, if not - search for something else! Are you ready to pay $15 for using Siri on older devices or you will try to search the free Siri server to use on your iDevice?