Sparrow Plus Cydia App - is a jailbreak tool that allows you to customize your iPhone's mailing experience by replacing default 'Mail' app. Sparrow plus allows you to make itself the default mail client. Sparrow plus cydia app The Sparrow for Mac is a really cool and useful app and now its younger brother - Sparrow plus is as cool as the desktop app. If you use d the firs version of Sparrow you probably noticed that it couldn't be used as the default mail client. Now you can. Just by enabling Sparrow plus' Default Client slider within the app you allow it to launch instead of default one. That's really useful for those of you who wanted to use Sparrow as a replacement to iOS native app. It sends mails from your default email address which you can configure in the app's settings. Although, it has some problems with sending mails. If you try to send mail from the App Store but tapping tell a friend button within any app you'll see "No Email Account" message or it will take you to the default mail app. It doesn't quite work on the new mail sheet but it works for any 'mail to' links. The developer says he's working on the additional functions and capabilities to make it work across the board. Sparrow plus cydia app 1 You can set up multiple mail accounts within the app and choose the default one from them. Sparrow will then send emails from the selected account. You can also change that by tapping the blue status bar on the top of the screen while composing a mail to change the sender. The other interesting thing about Sparrow plus Cydia app is that it uses push notifications within the package. If the new mail arrives to your email address you'll see a notification on the top of your screen and read it by tapping the notification.

Here's the video on how Sparrow Plus Cydia App works:

The Sparrow Plus jailbreak tweak was developed to make Sparrow your default mail client. As it's completely free of charge this app can really be a default mail app replacement. Let us know what you think about it in the comment section below.