Yesterday we posted a list of devices that work with iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak and we're glad to confirm that it also works on iPhone 4S! You can find out from
this post that iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G and Apple TV 3 won't be supported by the new jailbreaking tool. But there is awesome news for iPhone 4S owners - their device is confirmed to work on iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak. That's a very interesting turnaround as A5 devices weren't supported on iOS versions 5.1/5.1.1. Now the things has changed for better.

That means that all users wait for the iPhone 4S untethered iOS 5.1.1 jailbreak can now be sure that it's working. By now pod2g successfully tested the tool on iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPad 3, iPad 2 and iPad 1. He is still to test Apple TV 2 and iPod touch 4G. Chronic Dev Team and pod2g also told that the iOS 5.1.1 jailbreak release will most probably happen at HITB 2012 that will take place in Amsterdam on May 21-25. You can get more details on the conference
In case you accidentally upgraded your iDevice to iOS 5.1.1 and don't want to stay on it - use this guide to perform the downgrade to lower iOS version. There's also a possibility for you to jailbreak in tethered mode until iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak will be released for ordinary jailbreakers with bug fixes and user friendly interface. Tools like
RedSn0w 0.9.11b4 or
sn0wbreeze 2.9.3 can help you with that. And if you upgraded and want to jailbreak your iGadget without waiting for untether - you can do that right away.
If your iPhone is unlocked with some tools that don't support baseband upgrade but you still want to use the latest iOS - then you can upgrade your iGadget to latest Apple's operating system
without baseband upgrade and then perform the desired iOS 5.1.1 jailbreak.

There's less than a week of waiting left for the new jailbreak. So check if your iGadget is on the list of jailbreakable devices, update to the newest iOS and wait for the newest tool.
Update: The above information is old.
Visit this page to download Absinthe 2.0 and jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 untethered.
The situation with pod2g's plans to release the solution for iOS 5.1.1 during Hack In The Box 2012 reminds the situation with two counterfighting camps. Apple uses its own or public IT events to present new devices, gadgets or operating systems. Hackers in contrast to Cupertino company arrange their own events and meetings where they discuss most intriguing and trending unlock and jailbreak questions. Presenting new iDevice hacking tools became a good tradition on those meetings. This year's HITB should look like Death Star from Apple's point of view. And this time the Dark Force Jedi seems to be prepared for some serious battle. Speaking about this battle I do mean iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak at the first line of course. Anyway we need to be patient as there will be many other interesting things to discuss on HITB but we sincerely hope that the new jailbreak will be one of them.