George Hotz known as Geohot is famous for being the person who hacked Sony PS3. He also unlocked the first iPhone and is now known for creating jailbreaking utilities for iOS users and iPhone NCK brute force program. He is also known for “Geohot Sony lawsuit” as this company couldn’t let him get away with touching its products “inappropriately.” Right now Hotz is involved with Carnegie Mellon University program and his quotes are saved in IRC. Wanna hear what ridiculous things he shared? Wanna get into the full story? Let us retell it to you. Geohot Sony

Apple, Sony, Geohot

Back in 2007 George shared a video on YouTube with a jailbroken iPhone, and it was viewed over 2 million times. The hacker was noticed by newspapers and even emailed by Steve Wozniak. Apple, however, paid no attention to what Hotz did, besides, it wasn’t illegal and NCK code unlock became not so popular in the end. Sony did when the jailbreaker hacked their secured and fully locked PlayStation 3 in 2009. He hacked PS 3 because he was bored, but the company didn’t forgive it when George shared the exploit he created with the public and let everyone in the world be able to use the root keys of the PlayStation shared by Hotz. This was the beginning of “Geohot Sony court” case.
amwatson: George, you have to start working on the assignment! If you don't, you won't have time to run on the supercomputer! geohot: Don't worry. I have my own supercomputer! amwatson: ...You have your own 256-core machine? geohot: Yeah! Well, I have a botnet...
geohot: I'm permitted to own Sony products. I'm just not permitted to touch them inappropriately.
It took 4 months for Geohot Sony settlement agreement to appear. George promised to never hack any of Sony’s gadgets ever again.

Geohot Sony Rap and Ridiculous Quotes

When the court case was filed by Sony, Hotz shared his rap interpretation on YouTube expressing himself and showing his attitude towards this situation. He was supported by the Anonymous network group which caused Sony’s websites crash. Protesters created posters and T-shirts with “Free Geohot” phrase. Later Sony’s sites were attacked again exposing personal information of 75+ millions PS subscribers. According to Geohot, he didn’t take part in any of the attacks. Also enjoy the video of Geohot rap vs Sony: These are some of the most ridiculous things that happened during Geohot vs. Sony “hacking war”, and today IRC has one interesting quote you might like to see. These words belong to George, “I’m permitted to own Sony products. I’m just not permitted to touch them inappropriately.”