Cydia got deleted how do I get it back? Is this what you are looking for? Follow our instruction on how to install Cydia after deleting it on iOS 8 firmware. Everything is not too complicated so you will be able to successfully get back this unofficial store with tons of tweaks and jailbreak applications. Remember that you have to be jailbroken to install and use it.
Sometimes you can delete the store by mistake. We don’t know what happened in your situation, but if you managed to remove Cydia from your iPhone or iPad it is time to get it back.
Cydia Deleted How to Reinstall It
There are several methods you can try.
1. Rejailbreak
The easiest step is to rejailbreak if your firmware is below iOS 8.2. Apple has presented
iOS 8.3 update recently but it cannot be jailbroken at the moment. The previous version is also non-jailbreakable. If you happened to already restore to 8.2 or 8.3 you are out of luck using this method. Since rejailbreaking means restoring you will lose your iOS 8.1.3 and it is no longer possible to
downgrade 8.2 to 8.1.3 or 8.3 to 8.1.3. In other words, don’t use this method until hackers find new exploits.
2. SSH
If you
installed OpenSSH in the past you can use it to reinstall Cydia store. You need to download APT 0.6 or APT 0.7 package from Cydia before you begin. Maybe your friends can help you. Launch OpenSSH and use this command:
apt-get install cydia
Press on Enter and type this:
su mobile -c uicach
Press on Enter.
Wait till your iDevice reboots. Cydia should be back.
3. Safari
If you have
iFile installed on the iDevice you can launch Safari and find the most recent Cydia version for your gadget. Launch iFile and install Cydia with its help. There should be a reboot and you’ll be able to use the jailbreak store afterwards.
We hope that this Cydia deleted how to get it back instruction was useful and handy to you. Enjoy!