By reading the article below you'll find out Installous 5 source and the most awesome feature the new release brought to users who like to get paid things for free. New version has also the new icon which I personally find pretty creepy but that's ok since the developers offer a whole list of awesome improvements. The feature that impressed me the most is the built-in torrent support. For those of you who don't know what it is i'll explain so continue reading. If you've ever used torrents on your computer then you probably know that there are two types of torrents: magnets (used in Installous 5) and the usual files that are loaded from the website. App's home window says:
Thanks for updating to Installous 5! We've added BitTorrent download functionality, so if you see a "magnet" link download, try it out!
So now you have a chance to download cracked apps directly from other users without going to file hostings and sharing systems which were a huge problem recently. By clicking the direct "magnet" link your download will start instantly and you wont have to enter any captcha or read endless messages about dead links on file hostings. Right now the BitTorrent feature is a bit slow but we hope that guys will improve the performance really soon. There's also support for iOS 5 notifications in Installous 5. That means when you are downloading an app form Installous you had to check back every few minutes if the download is complete. Now you'll see a tiny notification in case if the download is completed or the new app/game was installed. Speaking about Installous 5 source, in order to download the app you have to go to Cydia, tap Manage->Sources and add this repo:
After that go to Search, find Installous 5 and install it. The new icon with a huge green arrow will appear on your SpringBoard. That's pretty much it about Installous 5 source adding. Well, since the BitTorrent feature is the strongest update in the new version of an app for downloading free apps I can say that it's pretty handy however slow sometimes, that's why you have to wait up to 5 minutes for download to start. Hopefully that is a temporary bug and the more people will switch to new Installous the faster downloading process we get.