“About 5.1 jailbreak for A5+ devices : it’s not out and I have no clue when it’ll happen. I’m working some hours per week on finding vulns.”
“But right now we (cdev) have some pieces of a userland jailbreak, but we miss some, and even if we had them all, there’s weeks of work…” and his third tweet said “… to put them all together in a public ready tool.”But what's disturbing about iOS 5.1 jailbreaking process is that thing that it's suspiciously quiet for two weeks already. The hacker's Twitters are silent on the update. GeoHot has left the jailbreaking communtity so jailbreaks began to appear very slow. As you can remember it took 4 months to get iPad 2 jailbreak. The iPad 3 has been jailbroken, that's really good news but frankly speaking it takes much more time to develop working jailbreak without problems for devices, equipped with A5 chips. It's too early to give up hope and wait for jailbreak to appear. ih8sn0w claims that he found a solution for passing APTicket which signs issues on A5 and A5X devices. That should allow devices with saved SHSH blobs to downgrade firmwares. That's really good news as you will always have the possibility for jailbreak even if you do something wrong while upgrading software.
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