Since Siri was released in October 2011 along with iOS 5 it became one of iPhone's main features. This article reviews the list of top Siri alternatives that appeared since that time to help users of non-iPhone 4S devices to use the voice assistant on their phones or tablets. Unfortunately, the Siri voice assistant is officially supported only by iPhone 4S, the latest version of Apple's phone devices. No other device (including recently released iPad 3) supports that technology leaving users unsatisfied and offended. Apple said that only iPhone 4S' hardware can handle Siri but we already know that it was just a marketing trick to drive more sales to the latest gadget. Without it, the iPhone's update could be such a blooper. That's why lots of third-party developers started to clone Siri assistant and bring that clones to other iDevices. Below you can find the list of most popular Siri clones that allow non-iPhone 4S users to use Siri functionality on devices, underrated by Apple.

Here's the list of top Siri clones:


1. Sara The feature and installation methods of Sara Siri alternative were already described on Lets Unlock iPhone. Having the same features as Siri does, this tweak can offer a lot more than its elder brother. That's a cool solution for those who doesn't intend to buy the latest iPhone. However the Sara's response is a little slow sometimes, but that seems to be the only Sara's shortcoming.

Evi-siri alternative-iOS

2. Evi This variant of Siri has its own specifications that remind more of information bureau than of voice assistant. Basically, it reminds us of a search engine that is always in your pocket. It won't remind you to buy bread at the closest mall and wont send text but it can perform some calculations, conversions and be a small on-demand wiki. Evi has nice interface and in contrast to Sara - nice response time. You can officially get it from App Store  for $0.99. If you need an encyclopedia more than a voice-equipped reminder, then Evi would be a right choice for you. This were only two candidates on our list of top Siri clones. To continue reading about Apple's official voice assistant clones that offer some extra functions - check part 2.