Here you will find useful information on how to use Alfred app. This app is among that relatively new category of Mac productivity apps that allows users to control Macs from the keyboard. You could use Quicksilver, Launchbar and Spotlight, but the Alfred remote app is really the best one. It is app-launching tool, but it can do so much more. You can click on an icon in your dock or search through your Applications folder, but with this app tool you can simply type a key-combination (Cmd+Space) to bring up a text input window. After that you begin to type the name of wanted app, Alfred starts displaying you matches, narrowing down the list as you continue to type. To open the selected item you can hit the Return key or select a Command-key option. capabilities Launching apps is not the only feature. You can open files, folders, emails and contacts, copy/move files and folders, perform web searches, and dump of other actions. Alfred updated app works almost with anything that’s stored on your Mac. More often you use it, the more Alfred learns about your actions with the aim to help you work more quickly and efficiently. Alfred 2.6 can be purchased for a free download from the developer’s website. The app gains several basic features, including the app launcher, calculator, dictionary actions and Web search. Now you know how to use Alfred app on Mac. powerpack But in case you want to get more abilities with app-launching tool you need to buy the Powerpack. The most important Powerpack feature is the ability to create workflows. These are multi-step actions that can include AppleScripts, shell scripts, Ruby or Python code, and so on. You can build your own workflows or download Alfred workflows that other users have shared. Powerpack also brings you many options such as searching your contacts, controlling iTunes playback, accessing clipboard history, and integrating with 1Password.