It is sorry to say but famous Hackulous repo is not working because it is closed. There is no information about the reason of this decision but the fact is that Hackulous is shutting down. Hackulous community which carried out hacked apps for the iOS using Installous, officially announced the completion of its work. Along with this development such apps as AppSync and Installous not working anymore. Hackers also left a message on his website. Installous is a store of jailbroken applications that owners of jailbroken iPhone, iPod touch and iPad used to install apps for free from Apptrackr and other resources on the Internet. The program is distributed through Cydia in a special repo But as Hackulous not working this repo is not active.

hackulous not working

However hackers have not told about the reason of closing Hackulous source, apparently the number of users of hacked applications was significantly decreased due to the prolonged absence of iOS 6 jailbreak. Many of those who moved to the new firmware does not currently have the ability to hack their devices and, accordingly, to use pirated applications. Hackers from the iPhone Dev Team and Chronic Dev Team has not yet released the exploit to jailbreak new devices, like the iPhone 5 and iPad mini. Anyway, from now Hackulous repo is not working. This means that in the future users will not be able to download Installous and AppSync and use of unlicensed software. This is great news for iOS developers and bad for those who did jailbreak for installing cracked apps from the App Store. However, hackers are hoping that in the future there will be developers who will continue their work. Well, I hope so too. Leave your comments about this decision of hackers behind Hackulous repo. Do you agree that the reason was in iOS 6 jailbreak delay or Apple made an effort to close Hackulous repo that caused not working Installous and AppSync.