Sometimes you simply forget the code and want to quickly find WiFi password Mac and have no idea where to look it up. Our heads store a lot of information including passwords for computers, social networks, mail boxes and surely WiFi network [learn also how to bypass iPhone passcode on Mac]. While it is possible to use iCloud Keychain to get fast access to your personal codes with ease you can just as well use Terminal on your computer. Yes, your Mac can show the necessary information to you. You only have to learn what to do in order to make it remind you of the passwords for WiFi networks you are using.

How to Get WiFi Password from Mac

Step 1. Go to Applications. Select Utilities and launch Terminal. Step 2. In order to get Mac WiFi password show you should remember a couple of things. Your need the username for Administrator, password for your Mac. Besides, you should remember the name of the WiFi network you want to find the passcode for [did you hear about Mac Crisis trojan?]. Step 3. While staying in the Terminal you need to use this command: security find-generic-password -ga “WiFiNetworkName” | grep “password:” [you should have guessed that “WiFiNetworkName” stands for the name of your network] Step 4. Click on return/enter. Your Mac will ask you to enter your username / password. Remember to press on Allow after this. Step 5. It should now access the Keychain and show the password you were looking for. This short guide works only for the networks you were accessing earlier. If you want to connect to a new or unknown WiFi network your Mac will not show you the password for it since your computer can only show the code that was already stored on it [in other words this is the networks you are using once in a while].