Today fresh news came from Musclenerd regarding 06.15.00 baseband downgrade. I wrote you before that iPhone Dev Team try to fix No Service error and unsuccessful downgrading process on some types of iPhone 3GS and all users who didn't downgrade its gadgets successfully have been waiting for this for the long time. It was said that the problem had been in different NOR chips in some 3GS models. That was the reason of unsuccessful 06.15.00 baseband downgrade. Also it was predicted that we will see updated Redsn0w 0.9.14b2 but there is no answer from iPhone Dev Team. There is a tweet from famous member of iPhone Dev Team that shows that today we can witness the release of the solution to fix No Service error on iPhone 3GS from MuscleNerd after 06.15.00 downgrade. Better look what he said:
Other than that testing hiccup, the revised payload seems fine...will release improved downgrade later today. Happy 4th of July! After day of debugging why reverted 3GS had no service, found it was blocked for unrelated reason! OTOH I figured out how to change IMEI
After this the most interesting thing in this quote is "change IMEI". This news indicates that to perform iPad baseband downgrade on iPhone 3GS Musclenerd will try to change IMEI. But looking at other tweets fro him it is clear that it is not so easy to do:  musclenerd 06.15.00 downgrade news As you can see that this method isn't legal in USA and doesn't work on "most recent serial # 3GS units". I think that it wouldn't be quick release of iPad baseband downgrading solution from MuscleNerd. We can only wait for fresh news. Also you can try to downgrade iPhone 3GS 06.15.00 for Ultrasn0w unlock. So stay tuned with us and you will be the first who will get fresh news regarding Musclenerd and 06.15.00 baseband downgrade.