I still remember those times when my best friend was searching for how to get rid of Slide to Unlock iOS 6 option. More than two years passed and he now wants to return this feature on his iOS 8 iPhone 5. He didn’t buy the new iPhone 6 because still likes the previous model but this new idea of getting back the iOS 8 Slide to Unlock haunts him. If you also wish to return the old times back you should jailbreak first. There are several programs that allow doing this. Pangu has already proven to work all right on iOS 8 devices but it doesn’t support iOS 8.1.1 and 8.1.2. There is a newer tool called TaiG that works on these firmwares but I didn’t check it yet. blurslide-2-ios8-tweakHere is how to get Slide to Unlock on iOS 8 if you experience nostalgia for iOS 6 days. Step 1. You should run either Pangu or TaiG to become jailbroken. There are no other programs that can do this for you at the moment. Evasi0n hasn’t been updated to support iOS 8 and no other hackers have made their tools public yet. Step 2. Slide to Unlock on iOS 8 download is available on Cydia. The program’s title is BlurSlide2 and it promises to bring that Power Off slider on your iOS 8 device. Step 3. You just need to add the repository http://repo.cpdigitaldarkroom.com/ to your repo sources through Cydia – Sources – Edit and install the app on your iDevice. The tweak is fun and really makes your new firmware look a bit like iOS 6.