Users who are looking for the iPhone automatic message reply option could take a look at the iOS 8 jailbreak tweak. It doesn’t support iOS 9 devices as well as iOS 8.4.1 firmwares since these platforms are non-jailbreakable right now. We’ll explain how to auto respond to text messages using the Cydia app. It is not free so you can learn more about the program before getting it. The tool can automatically respond to your texts [both SMS and iMessage] and you don’t have to touch your gadget.

How to Auto Respond to Text Messages iPhone Guide

Step 1. If you have jailbroken with iOS 8 TaiG or PP Jailbreak [there is also iOS 8.4.1 jailbreak by Pangu] you can launch Cydia and find AutoResponder 3 tweak that is available for $1.99 on the BigBoss repository. Step 2. Install the program and you will find the new pane in iOS 8 Settings. Step 3. Go to Settings to turn on the program. You can also enable / disable adding signatures to the respond and integrate Do Not Disturb option. Step 4. You can select contacts who you would like to send auto responds to. This means that you can also choose contacts you don’t want to send auto replies to. The list of contacts is not limited. Step 5. Have you set up your configurations? This means that all the SMS and iMessages you will get from users who have set up auto responds to will get automated reply from you. The tweak is fun to have if you sometimes cannot access your device while being on the meeting or driving and still want your contacts to get the respond.