Users choose to jailbreak their iPhone and iPad only because Apple doesn’t give them enough freedom to customize the iDevice, add new features and options. iOS 9 features list includes some of the specs that seem to be inspired by jailbreak. Apple follows the demand and adds some changes to its new platform. The official iOS 9 release is expected in September [there are also Android inspired options iOS 9 users will get]. The company spent the whole summer testing this platform with the help of developers and public beta testers. Jailbreak iOS 9 features should be cool and fun but they cannot add all the extras available through Cydia tweaks.

iOS 9 Features Inspired by Jailbreak

Firstly, the upcoming fall release will make multitasking better on niPad devices. Similar tweak called VideoPane used to help iOS 9 users to watch videos along with other programs. Such a nice addition should improve experience with the ‘fruit’ tablets. Secondly, the Cupertino-based company lets iOS 9 users get an extra battery life which is impossible on current iOS 8. Cydia users might remember BattSaver tweak that manages battery life and allows saving it. Thirdly, Apple brings ‘back to’ option similar to LastApp jailbreak tweak that allowed users to return to the previous application they were using. Such shortcut will become a part of the upgraded iOS 9 platform that is expected to be unveiled soon. iOS 9 Swipe Selection Feature It should be also possible to move two fingers across the display and control your iPad cursor. Such an option was brought by SwipeSelection and will finally arrive to iOS 9 without the need to jailbreak. iOS 9 Search Settings Feature It will be easy to search Settings application. This way iOS 9 users will get simple navigation through settings and add changes on the go. Similar option was introduced by SearchSettings Cydia tweak. You can see that Apple is trying to enhance user’s experience and brings some well-known features inspired by jailbreak to its iOS 9 version.